Wednesday 9 November 2011

Character sheet

On my rough storyboard I had a list of elements and characters that I would use in my animation, here is a sheet that has all the images I used in the animation. The score, lives and level text were all made in Flash using the text tool. The Space invaders were traced from a Space Invaders sprite sheet, the Galga ship was sourced from Goole images, I created the missile and the white laser in photoshop and finally I made the 8-bit explosions by tracing over blurry explosions images from the arcade game "Galga".

Final Storyboard

For my final storyboard I went back and looked at my original sketch and designed it around that. The Space Invaders now appear from the top of the screen instead of the side and the logo is not pulled up by the Galga ship, it instead appears after the explosions have settled . After the logo has been on the screen for a couple of seconds the Galga ship re appears and quickly flys across the screen (very close to the camera). The screen then become black to signal the end of the ident. After I had a solid storyboard I brainstormed new elements that could be useful such as a HUD, Sound effects and other animation elements.

Rough Storyboard

After I made the mind map I quickly sketched out an idea of a spaceship (The triangle) swerving left and right to avoid the incoming Space Invaders falling from the top of the screen. This idea was very basic and still needs to incorporate the logo.

I took the original rough sketch and turned the triangle into a real spaceship character (Galga). I then planned out tweening for both Galga and the Space Invaders. Also I've included a scrolling background image of space to set the location and the logo appears at the end. I decided to cut out the scene where Galga pulls up the logo to cut the time down.

Mind map

On my mind map I made quick sketches of retro game characters such as Pacman, Galga and Pong. I also a quick logo design and a list of potential research elements. HUDs, 8-bit graphic style colors and character animation.

  • Mario - Princess 
  • Space Invaders - Aliens - Spaceships
  • Sonic -Rings 
  • Pac man - Ghosts - Pills - Cherries 
  • Zelda - Link
  • Pokemon 
  • Mortal Combat
  • Pong
  • Tetras
  • Astroids 
  • Tron Bikes
  • Star Fox - Do a barrel roll!